About us

About us

About Kangala Express Air Cargo

Since our inception, Kangala Express Air Cargo has firmly established its reputation as one of the premier air cargo service providers in the bustling metropolis of Dubai. We are dedicated to setting unparalleled standards in the world of aviation and air freight services. Our core expertise lies in providing bespoke Charter Air Cargo solutions tailored to our esteemed clientele’s needs.

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With our fleet of top-tier aircraft and a team of seasoned aviation professionals, we are the epitome of reliability, efficiency, and precision. Our charter services are renowned for their punctuality and commitment to delivering cargo safely and securely. Furthermore, our presence in Dubai, a strategic global hub, allows us to seamlessly connect businesses and individuals with opportunities across continents.

Choosing Kangala Express Air Cargo means choosing excellence, dedication, and a commitment to quality air cargo services. We invite you to be a part of our growing family and experience a world of difference.

Excellence Takes Flight with Kangala Express Air Cargo! Your Premier Choice in Air Freight Solutions.
Ali Konate
About us

A Message from Our CEO

Welcome to Kangala Air Cargo. As CEO, I, Ali Konate, am proud to lead a team dedicated to revolutionizing air cargo services. Our commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction drives us to deliver your goods with unmatched efficiency and reliability. 

At Kangala Air Cargo, we understand the importance of every shipment, and we strive to exceed your expectations in every aspect of our service. Thank you for choosing us as your trusted partner in air cargo solutions.

Our Mission Our Vision Our Values
To revolutionize air cargo services in Dubai by offering speedy, safe, and seamless delivery solutions that empower businesses and connect communities.
To ascend as the global gold standard in air cargo services, where every delivery narrates a tale of outstanding quality, impeccable service, and a community of delighted customers.
  • Integrity: Upholding transparency, forging lasting bonds of mutual respect.
  • Innovation: Continuously evolving, utilizing cutting-edge technology to shape the future of logistics.
  • Safety: Prioritizing the well-being of each consignment and our planet.
  • Teamwork: Our strength lies in the collective spirit and expertise of our diverse team.
  • Customer-Centricity: Every service tailored, every voice heard, every expectation exceeded.

Why Choose Kangala Express Air Cargo

Swift, reliable, innovative, global reach, competitive pricing, personalized solutions, expert handling, safe, transparent, and unparalleled customer-centricity. Choose Kangala Express for excellence in air cargo.

Unmatched Speed:

We promise not just timely but the fastest delivery solutions in the industry.

Personalized Service:

We understand that every cargo has its unique requirements; hence, we offer bespoke solutions.

Global Network:

Our vast network ensures your cargo reaches any corner of the world effortlessly.

Cutting-Edge Technology:

Our investments in state-of-the-art tech mean that your cargo is always tracked, safe, and efficiently managed.

Competitive Pricing:

Quality service shouldn’t come with a hefty price tag. We guarantee value for every dirham spent.

Expert Team:

Our seasoned professionals bring unparalleled expertise to the table, ensuring your cargo is always in capable hands.

Kangala Express By The Numbers

Dive into a snapshot of our achievements and performance metrics that showcase our dedication, expertise, and the trust our customers place in Kangala Express Air Cargo. These statistics are a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence in air freight services.

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Flight Hours
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Partner Airlines
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Tons Cargo handled
Why choose us

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What Our Customers Are Saying

Discover the experiences of our valued customers who have entrusted their cargo with Kangala Express Air Cargo Dubai.

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